
"Wolke Sieben vom Traumland Woblitz-See"

 Geb.:06.02.2011    CEA-, PRA-, Katarakt frei;  (MDR-1 ++)
 Nicolaysen`s Quickly Quicklebendig  Malouine`s Twilight Zone

 Lux.,NL.,Dt.Ch.VDH/Club, B.Sg2000

Riding`s Deep in my Heart

 Timeless Twilight`s Fame or Fortune
 Riding`s Red Riding Hood
 Malouine`s Midnight Blues  Brilyn Black Inspiration
Malouine`s Stray Cat Blues
 Nicolaysen`s Mademoiselle Minett  Malouine`s on a Thresold of a Dream  Brilyn Black Inspiration
 Malouine`s Candle In The Wind
 Nicolaysen`s Emily Ementaler  Mistral Catch My Heart
Quo Vadis Buntes Blümchen
 Polly vom Traumland Woblitz-See


Glen Morristone`s

Hope Sweet Love


Xotic Lover of Slatestone

 Lux.,NL.,Dt.Ch.VDH/Club, B.Sg2000

Riding`s Deep in my Heart


Unchain My Heart of Slatestone

 Glen Morristone`s Together Forever  Glen Morristone`s Tequila Sunrise
 Glen Morristone`s It`s Only Me
 Black Antonia vom Traumland Woblitz-See


Endless Design Mambo Man

 Old Golden Gates Arresting Mind
 U`Re So Beautiful of Slatestone
 Blue Sweety Smile vom Woblitz-See  Amenity Bitters Best
 Quo Vadis Talk to me






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